What Causes Water Damage In Homes? (4)
12/13/2016 (Permalink)
Believe it or not, toilets cause a huge threat when it comes to water damage in homes. Not many people seem to realise that toilets can overflow and cause a lot of water damage inside the house. Toilet failures in the IBHS study cost more than $5,500 per incident after the deductible was paid. One-third of all toilet failures in the study resulted from an overflowing or clogged toilet.
Ways to Reduce Damage
- After you flush, make sure you wait for the valve to completely finish refilling the tank and bowl. If an overflow looks imminent, turn off the supply valve.
- Twice a year, inspect a toilet’s components, such as the fill, supply and flush valves and the supply line.
- Consider upgrading the toilet’s supply line to a sturdier braided steel hose.